Main Classics

Player Name: Steven Clute (#114)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Centaur 1,351,980 61 27 1
The Walking Dead 73,901,450 54 34 2
Iron Maiden 157,406,860 52 36 2
Iron Man 11,698,960 44 44 6
The Addams Family 90,043,330 44 44 1
Best 5 Game Point Total: 255 51
Games not included
Indy 500 123,042,910 36 52 2
Genesis 298,510 30 58 1
Space Station 545,570 20 68 1
World Cup Soccer 227,686,740 12 76 2

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Stingray 406,120 51 37 2
Free Fall 411,120 41 47 3
Super Orbit 633,030 33 55 4
Solar Fire 453,070 33 55 4
Best 4 Game Point Total: 158 64
Games not included
Mystic 165,900 32 56 9