Main Classics

Player Name: Erik Wurtenberger (#109)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
World Cup Soccer 1,404,776,000 76 12 8
The Walking Dead 119,095,790 69 19 4
Space Station 3,237,310 68 20 7
Genesis 4,073,850 66 22 1
Iron Man 19,466,670 62 26 4
Best 5 Game Point Total: 341 30
Games not included
Iron Maiden 197,924,370 57 31 5
Indy 500 205,441,970 53 35 5
Centaur 357,710 29 59 2
The Addams Family 15,784,690 17 71 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Solar Fire 490,390 35 53 2
Mystic 167,890 33 55 1
Best 4 Game Point Total: 68 77