State Games of America 2017
Main Classics Women

Player Name: Joseph Nebus (#141)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
The Walking Dead 392,883,530 100 1 1
The Shadow 328,808,910 86 8 2
Johnny Mnemonic 1,837,690,370 83 11 3
World Cup Soccer 538,179,440 77 17 2
Best 4 Game Point Total: 346 5
Games not included
Wheel of Fortune 7,573,340 70 24 2

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Flash Gordon 715,450 87 7 4
Mystic 337,460 85 9 6
4 Square 4,673 80 14 2
Best 3 Game Point Total: 252 9