State Games of America 2017
Main Classics Women

Player Name: Phil Harmon (Seniors) (#101)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Johnny Mnemonic 9,504,901,850 94 2 2
The Shadow 795,336,120 94 2 3
Wheel of Fortune 30,097,930 94 2 2
World Cup Soccer 1,686,163,110 94 2 1
Best 4 Game Point Total: 376 2
Games not included
The Walking Dead 185,815,980 91 3 5

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Mystic 505,900 91 3 2
Flash Gordon 978,920 91 3 4
4 Square 6,283 87 7 4
Best 3 Game Point Total: 269 3