Vancouver FlipOut 2018
Modern Classics

Player Name: Julie Gray (#226)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Houdini 594,941 190 3 2
Dialed In 332,110 136 20 2
Scared Stiff 6,230,760 114 31 3
Back to the Future 1,536,670 112 32 6
Terminator 3 25,238,320 84 54 8
Gold Wings 990,760 80 58 4
Creature from the Black Lagoon 57,303,780 68 70 2
Best 7 Game Point Total: 784 54
Games not included
Medieval Madness 5,734,250 41 105 3

Best Entry (Classics) #88
Game Score Points Rank
Counterforce 710,940 170 8
Genie 279,570 86 52
Scorpion 286,950 89 49
Bowling Queen 561 19 149
Point Total 364 20

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #89
Game Score Points Rank
Old Chicago 28,110 9 170
Grand Prix 332,870 68 70
Nitro Groundshaker 49,320 0 257
Mata Hari 118,590 75 63
Point Total 152 96

Entry (Classics) #225
Game Score Points Rank
Scorpion 128,280 25 137
Genie 129,890 0 215
Grand Prix 214,880 27 134
Old Chicago 21,440 0 227
Point Total 52 119

Entry (Classics) #226
Game Score Points Rank
Counterforce 138,070 0 203
Nitro Groundshaker 117,970 27 133
Mata Hari 34,150 0 218
Old Chicago 34,520 34 119
Point Total 61 118