Vancouver FlipOut 2017
Modern Classics

Player Name: John Kremmer (#263)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Dirty Harry 1,847,209,200 195 2 2
The Walking Dead 195,450,080 195 2 1
Elvira 9,129,780 190 3 5
The Shadow 603,022,420 182 5 4
Demolition Man 1,292,080,540 182 5 3
Starship Troopers 139,860,690 178 6 3
Family Guy 45,581,740 174 7 3
Best 7 Game Point Total: 1296 3
Games not included
Star Trek 58,543,060 140 18 2
Spiderman VE 61,837,840 108 34 1
Mario Andretti 522,338,910 90 48 1
Tommy 63,407,880 54 84 2
Dialed In 130,210 50 88 3

Best Entry (Classics) #155
Game Score Points Rank
Viking 795,920 167 9
Big Game 228,020 70 68
Pink Panther-OFF 244,830 99 39
Captain Fantastic 72,010 76 62
Point Total 412 20

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #154
Game Score Points Rank
Viking 93,820 12 164
Melody 1,682 32 124
Big Game 152,370 30 128
Captain Fantastic 116,660 164 10
Point Total 238 61

Entry (Classics) #187
Game Score Points Rank
Viking 702,000 140 18
Eight Ball 62,730 46 95
Captain Fantastic 45,800 22 144
Pink Panther-OFF 119,810 58 80
Point Total 266 50

Entry (Classics) #208 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Viking 465,590 120 28
Big Game 171,460 38 112
Cherry Bell 184,300 22 144
Melody 1,636 28 131
Point Total 208 73

Entry (Classics) #572
Game Score Points Rank
Big Game 90,020 0 187
Melody 6,646 186 4
Viking 142,870 35 118
Eight Ball 149,950 114 31
Point Total 335 35

Entry (Classics) #573 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Eight Ball 26,390 0 235
Point Total 0 124

Entry (Classics) #594
Game Score Points Rank
Captain Fantastic 61,240 44 99
Viking 734,520 152 14
Eight Ball 113,490 91 47
Big Game 314,390 112 32
Point Total 399 23

Entry (Classics) #607
Game Score Points Rank
Eight Ball 28,350 0 227
Cherry Bell 388,700 99 39
Viking 236,450 73 65
Big Game 210,090 60 78
Point Total 232 64