Vancouver FlipOut 2017
Modern Classics

Player Name: Curtis Dowhaniuk (#243)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Mario Andretti 878,302,060 130 23 1
Centaur 578,660 124 26 3
Elvira 3,388,390 99 39 1
Tommy 103,795,510 95 43 4
The Walking Dead 55,255,490 93 45 3
Dialed In 275,070 88 50 2
Star Trek 24,387,400 74 64 5
Best 7 Game Point Total: 703 65
Games not included
Dirty Harry 344,389,990 74 64 5
Starship Troopers 18,716,530 45 97 1
Family Guy 5,598,030 42 104 2
The Shadow 64,001,210 38 112 1
Spiderman VE 4,891,800 25 138 2

Best Entry (Classics) #584
Game Score Points Rank
Cherry Bell 535,500 138 19
Melody 2,848 71 67
Viking 67,380 0 196
Big Game 230,950 72 66
Point Total 281 45

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #262
Game Score Points Rank
Big Game 77,820 0 196
Cherry Bell 337,500 79 59
Melody 1,860 41 106
Viking 361,410 96 42
Point Total 216 67

Entry (Classics) #263
Game Score Points Rank
Eight Ball 26,470 0 234
Pink Panther-OFF 35,630 34 120
Captain Fantastic 57,070 41 105
Viking 32,610 0 227
Point Total 75 116

Entry (Classics) #407
Game Score Points Rank
Captain Fantastic 41,350 14 159
Cherry Bell 226,600 37 113
Melody 3,774 118 29
Big Game 126,750 15 158
Point Total 184 83

Entry (Classics) #408
Game Score Points Rank
Melody 1,779 36 116
Cherry Bell 121,200 0 214
Pink Panther-OFF 61,560 42 103
Viking 130,170 31 126
Point Total 109 108

Entry (Classics) #538
Game Score Points Rank
Melody 2,644 64 74
Cherry Bell 108,100 0 232
Captain Fantastic 40,690 13 162
Eight Ball 40,530 9 169
Point Total 86 115

Entry (Classics) #585 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Melody 2,203 47 93
Point Total 47 121