Silver Balls Rock III

Player Name: Austin Quinty (#126)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Medieval Madness 33,201,650 89 4 1
Wrestlemania 26,256,150 88 5 1
Attack From Mars 3,364,288,230 86 7 1
Best 3 Game Point Total: 263 17
Games not included
Guardians of the Galaxy 395,019,050 85 8 1
Iron Maiden 131,118,870 84 9 1
Jungle Lord 309,270 81 12 1
Deadpool 160,611,000 80 13 2
Star Trek 56,024,560 79 14 2
Walking Dead 72,825,620 79 14 1
Spider-Man 15,191,260 71 22 1