Pintastic 2018

Player Name: Ed Giardina (#7)

Best Entry (Main) #7
Game Score Points Rank
Pinball (Stern) 361,240 48 40
Judge Dredd 500,362,140 90 2
Pinbot 1,671,090 75 13
Old Chicago 58,910 21 67
Elvis 40,717,600 62 26
Point Total 296 10

Other Submitted Entries for Main

Entry (Main) #5
Game Score Points Rank
Pinbot 399,330 3 85
Pinball (Stern) 234,390 16 72
Judge Dredd 36,583,910 0 99
Old Chicago 73,280 50 38
Bobby Orr Powerplay 59,090 0 90
Point Total 69 105

Entry (Main) #6 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Elvis 2,565,730 0 103
Pinbot 354,770 0 94
Point Total 0 124

Entry (Main) #8
Game Score Points Rank
Baseball 5,539 75 13
Pinball (Stern) 188,930 0 91
Nine Ball 413,860 13 75
Dolly Parton 179,680 62 26
Transporter The Rescue 908,130 11 77
Point Total 161 59

Entry (Main) #140 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Pinbot 2,153,610 77 11
Elvis 5,441,240 7 81
Pinball (Stern) 485,430 65 23
Baseball 3,188 1 87
Point Total 150 64

Entry (Main) #141 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Pinbot 1,178,770 66 22
Pinball (Stern) 122,450 0 134
Point Total 66 108

Entry (Main) #172 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Nine Ball 332,590 0 98
Point Total 0 124

Entry (Main) #173 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Pinbot 3,617,360 81 7
Old Chicago 80,260 61 27
Judge Dredd 42,935,760 0 95
Pinball (Stern) 409,660 55 33
Point Total 197 42

Entry (Main) #366 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Pinball (Stern) 152,910 0 113
Transporter The Rescue 712,130 0 89
Baseball 4,101 35 53
Dolly Parton 66,920 10 78
Point Total 45 115

Entry (Main) #367 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Old Chicago 56,570 15 73
Nine Ball 322,070 0 99
Point Total 15 122

Entry (Main) #400 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Elvis 37,353,640 61 27
Pinball (Stern) 283,840 27 61
Point Total 88 101

Entry (Main) #401 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Judge Dredd 141,386,210 56 32
The Incredible Hulk 415,270 82 6
Pinbot 331,120 0 95
Pinball (Stern) 117,440 0 137
Point Total 138 74