Pintastic 2016

Player Name: Nick Destefano (#145)

Best Entry (A) #88
Game Score Points Rank
World Poker Tour 38,059,880 72 16
Metallica 6,298,708 9 79
Creature From the Black Lagoon 209,042,470 81 7
Medieval Madness 20,504,770 56 32
Radical 18,093,020 79 9
Point Total 297 16

Other Submitted Entries for A

Entry (A) #338
Game Score Points Rank
Creature From the Black Lagoon 104,686,490 70 18
World Poker Tour 17,054,620 32 56
Medieval Madness 21,612,440 57 31
Ghostbusters 32,225,760 38 50
Jack-Bot 755,883,220 28 60
Point Total 225 40