Pintastic 2016

Player Name: Rod Cordoba (#116)

Best Entry (A) #30
Game Score Points Rank
Jack-Bot 3,387,897,920 82 6
Creature From the Black Lagoon 23,975,320 0 100
Metallica 45,357,090 72 16
AC/DC 41,699,680 67 21
Medieval Madness 23,036,290 61 27
Point Total 282 23

Other Submitted Entries for A

Entry (A) #349 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Creature From the Black Lagoon 178,910,870 79 9
AC/DC 22,675,400 49 39
Metallica 3,068,220 0 118
Jack-Bot 1,063,904,350 50 38
Point Total 178 48

Entry (A) #369
Game Score Points Rank
Creature From the Black Lagoon 24,941,270 0 96
Bride of Pinbot 2,026,990 14 74
Victory 5,567,730 74 14
Medieval Madness 4,900,100 0 99
Metallica 28,840,080 62 26
Point Total 150 58