A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Aaron Cooke (#209)

Best Entry (C) #3501
Game Score Points Rank
Road Kings 1,162,820 82 6
Taxi 617,310 0 215
Indiana Jones 29,088,540 0 235
Star Trek: The Next Generation 578,808,030 71 17
Fish Tales 55,317,940 15 73
Point Total 168 28

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3395
Game Score Points Rank
Fish Tales 275,960,370 85 3
Star Trek: The Next Generation 130,619,600 4 84
High Speed 2 31,714,030 0 142
Ripley's Believe It or Not 3,935,320 0 169
Taxi 574,380 0 228
Point Total 89 56

Entry (C) #3593
Game Score Points Rank
Road Kings 301,470 3 85
Taxi 662,080 0 200
Indiana Jones 332,506,660 69 19
Fish Tales 54,747,800 13 75
Shadow 60,270,440 0 187
Point Total 85 57