A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II Classics III

Player Name: Joe Schall (#441)

Best Entry (A) #2272
Game Score Points Rank
Avatar 19,405,700 39 49
Addams Family 27,771,880 0 163
Indy 500 39,443,240 0 184
Attack From Mars 1,127,678,870 0 150
Johnny Mnemonic 418,124,670 0 148
Point Total 39 66

Best Entry (Seniors) #3597
Game Score Points Rank
Elvira and the Party Monsters 1,488,540 46 42
Sorcerer 673,810 52 36
Airborne 33,472,800 23 65
Earthshaker 3,411,690 43 45
Point Total 164 25

Other Submitted Entries for A

Entry (A) #2108
Game Score Points Rank
Addams Family 38,196,920 0 144
Indy 500 218,665,680 0 107
Attack From Mars 3,058,376,540 14 74
Time Machine 603,600 0 123
Road Show 122,084,300 0 170
Point Total 14 73

Entry (A) #4100
Game Score Points Rank
Avatar 2,829,940 0 207
Indy 500 114,183,510 0 147
Addams Family 115,565,050 38 50
Attack From Mars 774,399,230 0 184
Centaur 115,100 0 195
Point Total 38 67

Other Submitted Entries for Seniors

Entry (Seniors) #2107
Game Score Points Rank
Earthshaker 1,023,190 0 102
Elvira and the Party Monsters 719,790 4 84
Airborne 34,355,570 24 64
Sorcerer 178,880 0 111
Point Total 28 46

Entry (Seniors) #2173
Game Score Points Rank
Elvira and the Party Monsters 963,620 20 68
Earthshaker 1,101,700 0 98
Sorcerer 754,440 56 32
Airborne 55,548,100 44 44
Point Total 120 34

Entry (Seniors) #2270
Game Score Points Rank
Sorcerer 518,750 42 46
Airborne 59,755,070 46 42
Earthshaker 2,540,580 25 63
Elvira and the Party Monsters 1,391,840 41 47
Point Total 154 30

Entry (Seniors) #2375
Game Score Points Rank
Elvira and the Party Monsters 266,280 0 120
Sorcerer 886,860 61 27
Airborne 33,335,880 22 66
Wheel of Fortune 1,946,800 0 106
Point Total 83 43

Entry (Seniors) #2382
Game Score Points Rank
Sorcerer 587,800 47 41
Airborne 43,116,290 37 51
Earthshaker 1,517,260 7 81
Elvira and the Party Monsters 1,344,890 38 50
Point Total 129 33

Entry (Seniors) #4101
Game Score Points Rank
Elvira and the Party Monsters 521,370 0 100
Wheel of Fortune 1,887,950 0 107
Airborne 80,570,600 60 28
Earthshaker 2,406,910 22 66
Point Total 82 43

Entry (Seniors) #4102 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Elvira and the Party Monsters 700,600 1 87
Corvette 36,883,680 0 102
Point Total 1 46