Main Classics Womens

Player Name: Allison O'Neill (#161)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Metallica LE 60,903,660 68 26 1
Barb Wire 521,404,720 63 31 4
Bram Stoker's Dracula 157,906,210 55 39 1
Theatre of Magic 571,257,070 54 40 1
Who Dunnit 1,442,066,180 53 41 1
Total Nuclear Annihilation 721,290 50 44 1
Robo-War 2,352,140 46 48 3
Best 7 Game Point Total: 389 63
Games not included
Game of Thrones 184,224,230 41 53 1
Monopoly 7,207,340 38 56 7
Paragon 187,760 36 58 5
Lady Luck 519,720 28 66 3
Junkyard 4,812,690 15 79 3
Pool Sharks 1,717,240 6 88 4
Taxi 726,530 0 95 1

Division: Womens
Game Score Points Rank Played
Flash Gordon 468,160 74 20 1
The Addams Family 39,378,520 69 25 2
NBA Fastbreak 29 61 33 1
Best 3 Game Point Total: 204 33