Modern Classics

Player Name: Phil Birnbaum (#201)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Laser War 2,940,700 86 8 4
Torpedo Alley 4,941,560 84 10 1
Grand Lizard 2,055,350 82 12 6
Hoops 6,754,250 82 12 5
Godzilla 368,711,030 82 12 4
Twister 1,144,720,700 78 16 3
Best 6 Game Point Total: 494 19
Games not included
Demolition Man 796,222,230 58 36 5
Lord of the Rings 23,091,210 51 43 5
Waterworld 203,319,200 48 46 5
Doctor Who 99,431,800 36 58 5

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Jacks Open 170,700 100 1 3
Hokus Pokus 222,070 94 2 3
Skateball 1,885,860 82 12 2
Flash Gordon 1,177,420 82 12 2
Dragonfist 551,160 78 16 5
Best 5 Game Point Total: 436 3
Games not included
Rock 2,121,590 76 18 2
Cleopatra 126,220 54 40 3