Modern Classics

Player Name: Tim Moyers (#173)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Torpedo Alley 6,234,840 90 4 7
Grand Lizard 2,390,940 86 8 2
Hoops 5,663,530 75 19 5
Walking Dead LE 135,637,060 66 28 4
Lord of the Rings 29,583,230 64 30 3
Laser War 1,571,270 64 30 7
Best 6 Game Point Total: 445 30
Games not included
Demolition Man 862,337,640 62 32 1
Godzilla 100,989,040 59 35 6
The Getaway 103,372,660 52 42 10

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Jacks Open 143,660 89 5 2
Skateball 2,115,990 87 7 1
Hokus Pokus 126,920 77 17 2
Flash Gordon 1,135,350 76 18 2
Dragonfist 504,440 73 21 18
Best 5 Game Point Total: 402 18
Games not included
Rock 1,833,280 68 26 5
Cleopatra 150,920 66 28 5