
Player Name: Roberto Pedroni (#129)

Best Entry (A) #276
Game Score Points Rank
Game of Thrones 1,760,637,690 85 3
Kiss premium 122,840,850 84 4
Mustang 152,918,200 85 3
Avengers LE 33,833,740 82 6
Super Soccer 60,080 85 3
Point Total 421 1

Other Submitted Entries for A

Entry (A) #205
Game Score Points Rank
Kiss premium 43,035,410 68 20
Game of Thrones 560,873,620 75 13
Road Show 328,226,210 63 25
Avengers LE 49,571,260 90 2
Mustang 162,901,970 90 2
Point Total 386 5

Entry (A) #245
Game Score Points Rank
Eight Ball Deluxe 956,650 73 15
Dracula 15,685,180 59 29
Super Soccer 42,660 75 13
Game of Thrones 16,749,460 49 39
Kiss premium 24,010,750 58 30
Point Total 314 14