Main Classics

Player Name: Pete Hendricks (#177)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Genesis 3,289,630 61 27 5
Centaur 1,076,760 59 29 2
The Walking Dead 74,716,380 57 31 5
Indy 500 258,410,730 57 31 12
Iron Man 15,258,270 54 34 12
Best 5 Game Point Total: 288 40
Games not included
The Addams Family 102,919,060 49 39 4
Iron Maiden 75,187,870 34 54 3
Space Station 1,259,040 34 54 3
World Cup Soccer 426,804,060 33 55 10

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Solar Fire 547,290 40 48 2
Stingray 321,990 37 51 1
Stars 24,610 35 53 2
Mystic 154,810 30 58 2
Best 4 Game Point Total: 142 67
Games not included
Super Orbit 588,270 29 59 2
Free Fall 283,660 26 62 2