Main Classics

Player Name: Justin Burkett (#173)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Iron Maiden 215,492,610 61 27 3
The Addams Family 109,340,660 52 36 4
Iron Man 10,647,820 39 49 12
Space Station 1,431,140 39 49 4
Indy 500 139,543,160 39 49 1
Best 5 Game Point Total: 230 55
Games not included
World Cup Soccer 417,391,120 32 56 8
Genesis 265,210 26 62 4
The Walking Dead 5,057,210 10 78 2
Centaur 65,030 5 83 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Stars 74,790 54 34 1
Stingray 368,580 43 45 1
Mystic 184,730 36 52 5
Solar Fire 450,250 32 56 2
Best 4 Game Point Total: 165 62
Games not included
Free Fall 317,770 30 58 2
Super Orbit 432,980 19 69 2