Main Classics

Player Name: Craig Morse (#123)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Space Station 4,074,470 79 9 2
The Walking Dead 77,359,940 59 29 7
The Addams Family 112,241,600 54 34 1
World Cup Soccer 615,244,220 50 38 2
Iron Maiden 116,684,580 46 42 1
Best 5 Game Point Total: 288 42
Games not included
Genesis 1,116,830 45 43 7
Centaur 488,830 37 51 4
Indy 500 77,354,600 27 61 4
Iron Man 5,218,150 16 72 2

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Free Fall 1,512,740 84 4 7
Stingray 694,490 84 4 5
Solar Fire 3,427,440 83 5 7
Super Orbit 1,215,420 79 9 10
Best 4 Game Point Total: 330 3
Games not included
Stars 134,410 76 12 10
Mystic 560,170 76 12 25