Main Classics

Player Name: Jeffrey Thompson (#122)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Indy 500 149,819,600 41 47 1
Space Station 1,217,440 32 56 6
Genesis 271,480 28 60 1
Iron Maiden 29,129,920 20 68 4
Iron Man 4,930,400 14 74 3
Best 5 Game Point Total: 135 81
Games not included
The Walking Dead 6,350,840 12 76 2
Centaur 105,530 9 79 1
The Addams Family 9,260,190 8 80 1
World Cup Soccer 171,592,640 7 81 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Super Orbit 1,144,740 77 11 3
Free Fall 843,730 72 16 3
Stars 118,230 69 19 4
Solar Fire 672,040 50 38 6
Best 4 Game Point Total: 268 32
Games not included
Stingray 301,550 32 56 9
Mystic 149,140 28 60 8