Main Classics

Player Name: Paul Caras (#112)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
The Addams Family 497,723,270 100 1 11
Iron Man 52,641,780 84 4 14
The Walking Dead 177,667,820 79 9 12
Iron Maiden 457,757,940 78 10 11
Indy 500 356,274,880 67 21 23
Best 5 Game Point Total: 408 11
Games not included
Centaur 1,733,560 67 21 50
Genesis 3,291,420 62 26 33
World Cup Soccer 747,075,200 60 28 27
Space Station 2,574,630 53 35 9

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Stingray 416,620 54 34 4
Solar Fire 669,140 49 39 2
Free Fall 417,800 42 46 4
Mystic 188,370 38 50 10
Best 4 Game Point Total: 183 54
Games not included
Super Orbit 618,710 31 57 10